10th Annual Summer Youth Institute 2011

10th Annual Summer Youth Institute 2011June 6 – July 21, 2011

The Summer Youth Institute (SYI) is an annual, seven week summer education and training program for high school students in Santa Cruz County. SYI students receive training in Tobacco Basic Skills, HIV/AIDS education, First Aid CPR, Diabetes, Self-Esteem, Leadership Development, etc. The training also allows students to receive a Teen Health Facilitator certification, enabling them to conduct peer education in their community.

Mariposa established SYI in 2002 through the collaboration of various community organizations including Gear Up, the University of Arizona’s Cooperative Extension, the Nogales Police Department, the University of Arizona College of Public Health, the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Rio Rico Fire Department and Safeway.

Students interested in participating in the SYI must submit an application consisting of a personal statement, a record of extracurricular activities, high school transcript and recommendation letters. Mariposa then selects between 20-24 high school students in Santa Cruz County. This year we had a total of 109 applicants and selected 24 for the program.

Since its establishment, over 244 high school students in Santa Cruz County have participated in the Summer Youth Institute. Many of these students have gone on to attend public and private universities around the country and have been recipients of prestigious scholarship awards.

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